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Change Region & UI Improvements

· 3 min read
Filipe Névola

We are very proud of the progress we are making with all of our features.

Our goal is to constantly improve all of our features, and we are thrilled to explain a few changes in two important features: Logs and Env Vars.

Keep reading for other news, including updates on our infrastructure, enhanced access to metrics, restarts notification, and the region change feature.


Our Logs tab can now display logs based on time ranges.


Also, we have reorganized the filter options and now you can view the logs in fullscreen mode.


Scrolling up is now also possible, and the logs are loaded as you scroll and click on the 'load more' button.


Env Vars

Our Env Vars tab is probably the most used tab in our app and we are constantly improving it.

Working with multi-line variables is now easier. An auto-expanding textbox has replaced the intrusive modal editor.

We've made it easier to inspect the value of long variables by eliminating the need to save when switching from editing one variable to another.

On the Env Vars tab, we're now hiding the 'add new var' form by default -- showing it only when required.


As always, your secrets are encrypted on the client-side unless you click on the eye icon and have sufficient permissions to do so.


Your Metrics dashboards in Grafana are now linked in the header, allowing you to quickly navigate to any dashboard you want.

Previously, it was just a link inside the containers tab for a specific dashboard. Now, you can see all available dashboards for each specific app env or database.

Remember that we have dedicated dashboards for each database type so you can learn much from your database metrics.


More news

We've added a feature that enables our app to detect multiple restarts in your containers and warn you via email.

This notification will be sent to you once for each container with more than 10 restarts so you can take action.

And remember that you can always see your containers restart on the containers tab.


Infrastructure updates

You are probably following our status page, but if you're not, note that we always post updates there, especially when we have planned maintenance.

In recent weeks, we turned off our us-1 region in favor of a better overall setup for our infrastructure, and now the clients are running in us-3.

The servers are still running in the same region (St. Louis, MO), but we now have a more efficient setup for our databases and other services operating in this region.

These changes have allowed us to provide a 1-click experience for you. If you want to move to a different region, regardless of the datacenter provider, you can do it with a single click in all your app envs in the Settings tab.


Even your DNS records are automatically updated for you. It's a nearly magical experience for you, but it required considerable work from us to reach this point :)

What does this mean for you?

Nothing—at least until it means everything. For example, if your AWS account (some clients run their AWS account connected to our platform) is compromised or blocked by AWS (which happens more often than you think), you can move to a different region in seconds with just a single click.

Of course, we hope you will never have to use this feature. Still, it's great to know it's available in case you need it.